Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hack My Life (on YouTube?)

New new thing. Same old new thing. Hacking my life I wish.

Starting off: (there are videos)

Friday, July 11, 2014

The money vs dignity paradox

You got a simple job, for enough money to happily survive, when, just before considering an upgrade in your career or 'class' you start facing my paradox. (Hereby ''I'' stands for ''you'' and money -for the first time- stands for something of own value).

Having to ask for, or protect money just because it represents my integrity in this society.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Introducing Myself

My name’s Antonis.

I’ve been extremely privileged, having had an terrific life so far, and this is part of what’s next to it. 

After long preparation and procrastination I’m finally afloat in a way of living I’ve been struggling for for years. 

The journey started toddling in January '14 and you, reading this text, are already part of it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Hey, hi!

My name is Antonis

I live a life you'll sure recognize. I live in a house, work FOR some guys that barely know me, buy goodies, watch TV series, have some friends, have a car (now bicycle (cool)) collect 'likes' on facebook, talk about our society, corruption, our values...  talk about many things yehi with friends or online.

Darn it gets more lame.

A legit career?


Creating new objects, ideas, concepts, problems and solutions. It's nice alright.

My concern is that there are too many interesting, entertaining or useful masterpieces around, or better, it's not about if I can create something new.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Confidenσ motiveiσ κτλ κτλ

Too long in Greece, fairly enough in Athens before I leave again, before again having done something that rolls. Now it's all in Greek. Everything! So here's the YouTube Channel. See you on the screen :-)